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  • IMG 1948

    Article #1

    This first article, coming back after a couple years and a full redesign, feels so momentous.

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  • Michael caine jaws

    Michael Caine was in the Worst Jaws

    “I have never seen the film, but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific.” Michael Caine, in an interview talking about Jaws: the Revenge

    Tags: old stuff, creating

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  • Color run cropped

    Another Lesson Learned While Running in Public

    I have a favorite running path that I go to for all my long runs that you can run for three to fifteen miles. The magic result of this “extend-your-own-course” path is you never know where anybody is at in their run.

    Tags: old stuff, creating, running

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  • Ferry

    Launch When It’s Better

    How do you, as a non-development leader, know when you should go ahead and launch something that may not feel "there," yet? Simple. You launch when it’s better than what you have.

    Tags: old stuff, development

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  • 15k finish line

    What I Learned About Hustle While Training For a 15k

    I’d like to think I learned a lot about hustling from The Roots and Jon Acuff (in different ways), but I hadn't really internalized the hustle until I signed up for my first 15k.

    Tags: old stuff, running, creating

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  • Trello


    I’ve gotten a lot of questions about “my system” since my wife Instagrammed a shot of my Trello board a few weeks ago. How do I actually use Trello? Basically, I’ve built a huge funnel out of my board that goes from big, year-sized projects down to small, day-sized bites.

    Tags: old stuff, process, creating

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  • Fear and failure

    Fear & Failure in Dallas

    A writer I follow, Yuvi Zalkow, is promoting his book this week, and he issued a challenge of sorts for other writers and creators to share their stories of fear and failure as he girds himself for the reviews and sales figures.

    Tags: old stuff, creating, process

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  • Quebec bw

    TYPO3, Quebec, and July 4th

    A couple weeks ago, I got to attend the TYPO3 conference in Quebec, and I’ve been so engrossed in PHP and design comps since I got back that I’m just now thinking about some of the highlights.

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  • Invitation graphic 2

    Start small.

    We have no big names, no outside funding, no award-winning website, and I’m the only employee. Our rallying cry: start small.

    Tags: old stuff, craft+story

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  • Craftandstory square

    Not a Manifesto

    While working on building a new business, Craft+Story, I decided to pen some core values to kick things off and find the right people.

    Tags: old stuff, business, craft+story

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